JC de Castelbajac Spring 2014 Collection
JC de Castelbajac Spring 2014 Collection is infused with Jean Charles well known sense of humor and flair for pop art. Color blocking and design patterns take on new meaning with the clever placement of artistic arms and hands that become an integral part of the designs. Gold metallic fabrics highlight the collection and add flash to the black and white and camouflage styles. Big gold faces as statement necklaces, Creative gold sun glasses and golden eyebrows are whimsical and rich with fantasy. Cubism styled Illustrations throughout are imaginative and inspiring. A rudimentary drawing is transformed into a ‘split personality’ gown, an illustration of a couple kissing, becomes a fashion statement and makes a memorable skirt. Belts are illustrated and have a cartoon quality about them that’s a lot of fun! Hair styles are very Jessica Rabbit and sexy. Jean Charles de Castelbajac has had a celebrity following for decades. With his new line, JC de Castelbajac, Ready to Wear styles are more accessible to the public. What a thrill to be the one everyone has to ask, “WHERE did you get THAT!?” Find out where below.
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JC de Castelbajac Spring 2014 Collection
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