Guido Maria Kretschmer Spring 2014
The Guido Maria Kretschmer Spring 2014 collection featured during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin is clean, classy and occasionally eclectic. It’s old world meets new world and the splash of an artist’s paint brush. Guido has been designing for decades and it shows. His color choices are fresh and clean. His design sense is stylish and chic. I love his focus on an hourglass shape. My favorites are the pencil shaped skirts and dresses and I also adore everything in silk, and how Guido pairs silks in his suit designs. Everything is so soft, feminine and flattering.
It is especially a pleasure to see that Guido’s choice for styling his models is pretty and natural. They all look healthy, fit and well nourished. Let’s hope this will be emulated by more designers, and become a permanent trend that fosters health and wellness for the benefit of all women.
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Guido Maria Kretschmer Spring 2014
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