Fall 2014 Menswear Inspired Fashion
The Fall 2014 menswear inspired fashion trend is smart, chic, fun and flexible. Designers everywhere have donned their creative thinking caps and introduced their own unique ideas on menswear inspired fashion in a myriad of ways. Designs range in temperature from 0 to 100 with casual and funky to executive boardroom and covertly sexy. There are also more formal styles, rich with flair and individuality. It’s fun to view the many variations of design ideas, side by side. Some designers emphasize more masculinity with loose fits and simple lines while others infuse more femininity into these menswear inspired trends with colors, fabrics, creative details and attention on a woman’s shape. This is a collection to inspire – filled with clever ideas on how we can amp up our work day wardrobes and dress for success.

Fall 2014 Menswear Inspired Fashion
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