Versace Fall Winter 2013-14 RTW Collection
This is a vibrant, rocker styled collection of designer fashions from the always provocative Donatella Versace. It features slim skirts, pants, coats, body briefs and evening dresses with a prominent theme of latex, leather, spikes and studs. The palette is bright lemon yellow, fire engine red, deep purple and bountiful blacks and whites. A woman’s figure is a focal point with ultra body hugging fabrics that behave like a second skin. Aside from what some editors are calling “the opulence of fur”, the collection is sexy and fun. (Personally, I find nothing about real fur, opulent & look forward to a day when all designers use only cruelty free products in their designs.) This season is most definitely reminiscent of the 70’s punk rock era, which Versace intended and dubbed “Vunk”, the Versace version of Punk. It’s really rather fierce, in a fetish sort of way, especially with the addition of the spiked accessories. I think that it has rock star glam written all over it. (Oh! and I love the creative and funky white runway with the Medusa Medallion – that’s especially cool too!)
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Versace Details Fall Winter 2013-14
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